Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wing Chun Means Beautiful Springtime

With the warm weather here, class attendance and new student enrollment is up.  Yeah us!

It's as though folks have awaken from their hibernation here in Michigan.  We have felt a touch of spring this last week with temperatures reaching the 60's.  And it feels glorious.  We understand that it's temporary. It's suppose to be in the 30's on Monday.

So get out there and do, feel the sun on your face, find an activity, take a long walk, start a workout, get out of the house.  As northerners, most of us are low on Vitamin D.  At least a few minutes outdoors will lift the spirits, put a spring in our gait, and maybe help us out nutritionally. We need all the help we can get.

Look for a workout that teaches you something as well.  Good for the mind and body.  Then, please feel free to grace our door.  It's a perfect activity to get you out of those winter doldrums.

1 comment:

unmitigated me said...

There will be one more blast of winter (hopefully a DRY one) and then, I feel, spring will arrive. The trees here are already bud-heavy.


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