Of all the games I play, the Lil' Dragons love a game called "Bowling for Kids." Yes it is exactly like it sounds. I am the bowler and they are my pins. Lucky me.
For some reason beyond me, this is their favorite game. They will ask to play it as soon as they come through the door. Whenever I request a suggestion for a game, the Lil' Dragons shout out in chorus, "Bowling for Kids!" It such a simple premise for a game and requires no special skills. Maybe that's why they love it.
If mowing down little children with a ball sounds like a wish come true, well... I can't help it if they love it too.
What they learn: Controlling the panic response, keeping their eye on the ball, moving in a crowd without knocking anyone over, bravery, overcoming obstacles.
What they love: Running around screaming, dodging, jumping the ball, falling dramatically, cheering, and winning.